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Women's and equality groups launch manifesto for women and girls

On Monday 18th November 2019, women’s, equality and human rights organisations including Rape Crisis England & Wales joined forces to launch a ‘Manifesto for Women and Girls’.

Its purpose is to empower voters to have conversations with political candidates about issues faced by women and girls and to call for transformative policies for sex and gender equality.

The ‘Manifesto for Women and Girls’ builds on our organisations' collective experience to recommend how the next government can:

  1. End Violence Against Women and Girls
  2. Secure Equal Representation
  3. Promote Equality at Work and Home
  4. Invest in Public Services that Work for Women
  5. Lift Women and Children out of poverty

Download the Manifesto for Women and Girls 2019 now


Katie Russell, spokesperson for Rape Crisis England & Wales said:

"With charging, conviction and prosecution rates for rape and other sexual offences at an all time low, the need to completely overhaul the criminal justice system in relation to sexual violence and abuse, which is failing victims and survivors in multiple ways, should be an urgent national priority.

At the same time, sustainable, adequate funding for the specialist Rape Crisis Centres that support, empower and advocate for those impacted by all forms of sexual violence and abuse, regardless of whether they've reported to the police, is long overdue.

This is why we're pleased to be signed up to and to promote this manifesto with our sister organisations, with its number one priority of ending violence against women and girls. 

We hope this resource will generate much needed discussion and awareness-raising during this General Election campaign, and receive the backing and commitment of all candidates."