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Learn about rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and other types of sexual violence, as well as how they impact women and girls.

Knowledge is power!

How many people are raped, sexually assaulted or sexually abused?

  • 1 in 18men

    have been raped or sexually assaulted as an adult

    (1.34 million men in total)

  • 1 in 4women

    have been raped or sexually assaulted as an adult

    (6.54 million women in total)

  • 1 in 6children

    have been sexually abused

Debunking rape myths

'Women who drink or take drugs kind of deserve it if they get raped'

Have you thought this before? Or heard someone else say it?

You're not alone.

Rape myths are widely believed in our society. And they're doing serious harm.

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A young woman dances in a nightclub next to her friend who is holding a cocktail.

Rape culture

Nearly all women will be affected by some form of sexual violence or abuse during their lifetime

And we believe that rape culture is partly to blame for this.

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This black and white image shows a woman looking down while holding the palm of one of her hands up to the camera. On her palm is written #METOO.

Did you know?

Sexual violence doesn't have to involve other physical violence, such as punching, kicking, hitting, beating, stabbing or shooting.

It also doesn't have to leave a victim or survivor with visible injuries.

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A failing justice system

Only 1 in 100 rapes reported to police result in a charge

And police are more likely to bring charges for rape when the victim or survivor is white.

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A gold statue of Lady Liberty sits atop the Old Bailey building in London. The Old Bailey is the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales.

What sexual consent looks like in practice

  • Enthusiastically saying ‘yes!’.
  • Talking to the other person about what you do and don't want, and listening to them in return.
  • Checking in with the other person – for example, asking ‘is this okay?’, ‘do you want to slow down?’ or ‘do you want to stop?’.
  • Respecting someone’s choice if they say ‘no’. And never trying to change their mind or put pressure on them.
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If you think you might have been raped, sexually assaulted or sexually abused, you can talk to us. We will listen to you and believe you, and you can take the conversation at your own pace.

Bystander intervention

What would you do if you saw sexual assault or sexual harassment taking place?

It can feel really scary to be in a situation like this.

That's why we've put together a guide on what to do if you witness any kind of sexual violence or abuse.

Find it here
A young woman looks terrified as we see her confronted by two young men in the street. They have our backs to us so we can't see their faces.

Please remember

Rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence are never the fault of the victim or survivor.

100% of the blame lies with the perpetrator.

Find tips for supporting a survivor

Types of sexual violence

Have you heard of 'cyber flashing'?

So-called 'cyber flashing' happens when someone sends another person an unwanted photo or video of either their genitals or someone else's – what is commonly known as a 'dick pic'.

Cyber flashing is a form of indecent exposure.

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A blurred image shows a young man in a white vest lying down on a bed while holding a mobile phone up above him.