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Sexual harassment victims to 'have their say' on new laws

The Government Equalities Office is today (17th January 2020) calling for sexual harassment victims to share their stories, in one of the largest surveys of its kind ever to be carried out.

Feeding into plans to strengthen protections for employees across the UK from sexual harassment, the survey is intended to allow the public to have an impact on Government policy, and ensure those policies are targeted in the right places.

The survey - which will go out to 12,200 people 'from every walk of life' - will build a picture of how many people are affected, asking people about their experiences of sexual harassment inside and outside the workplace; where they experience harassment; and what forms of harassment they have experienced.

ComRes, in their 2017 research for the BBC, claim that 40% of women and 18% of men have experienced unwanted sexual behaviour at work at some point.

Katie Russell for Rape Crisis England & Wales said:

"Through our frontline work we know that sexual harassment can have serious and long-lasting impacts. No-one should have to tolerate this kind of behaviour, at work or anywhere. It is high time we eradicated sexual harassment in all its forms."

Find out more information at the website.