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Rape Crisis renews calls to end two-child tax credit limit

Today (22nd April 2020), Rape Crisis England & Wales has co-signed a letter published in The Guardian calling on the Government to put an immediate end to Universal credit's discriminatory two-child limit, and the benefits cap.

Katie Russell, national spokesperson for Rape Crisis England & Wales (RCEW) said:

"This is the latest step in our long-standing and ongoing opposition to the two-child limit, and its so-called 'rape clause' exemption, which unfairly disadvantage victims and survivors of sexual violence and abuse who are already living with the often significant and lifelong impacts of trauma.

We are pleased to continue this campaign partnership with 50 other organisations who recognise the urgent need to end this inhumane policy."

RCEW and partners have been actively campaigning against the two-child credit limit since 2017.

Read the letter in full at The Guardian website.