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Our CEO comments on the barristers' strike


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Our CEO Jayne Butler recently spoke to The Independent about the barristers' strike and the impacts of this on rape survivors, many of whom have been waiting for years for justice.

"At Rape Crisis we hear about the anguish of rape survivors every day. Survivors who almost never see justice, systematically let down by a criminal justice system that is supposed to protect them, yet often causes them further harm – a justice system that is so fraught with problems that it has effectively decriminalised rape.

But the responsibility for this disaster of justice does not lie with striking barristers. They are boldly taking a stand to push for change and to ensure that the victims (and defendants) of the future have a justice system that is functioning and intact and effective.

The government has promised rape survivors change. It must now listen to and engage with the criminal bar to resolve this situation urgently."

Read the full opinion piece on The Independent's website.