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Rape Crisis England & Wales' CEO, Jayne Butler, will be joining the panel alongside activists and charity leaders to discuss #JusticeForGaia and the changes needed to improve the lives of rape victims and survivors. We invite you to attend this event on Wednesday 12th October at 6pm, which is open to the public.

About the event
This year's inquest into the death of Gaia Pope-Sutherland has been one of the longest in British history. It unearthed over 50 missed opportunities in Gaia's care and the search for her; highlighted dangerous underfunding and misogyny in frontline services; and exposed at least two police officers who secretly altered records after her death.
The inquest also produced a string of recommendations for the prevention of future deaths across policing, health and social care, although the jury was prohibited from holding the police accountable for her death.
For the first time since the inquest concluded, Gaia's family will speak publicly alongside some of the leading intersectional feminists and human rights advocates they work with, reflecting on what the inquest outcome tells us about the system we live in, what needs to change in the investigation of state-related deaths and how we create a society where every survivor is respected, protected and heard.
At the event, new information about Gaia's story will be shared and the new Justice For Gaia manifesto will be launched. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and contribute to the discussion.