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Fill in our survivor engagement survey

As part of Rape Crisis England & Wales' ongoing commitment to include survivor voice in our work, we're really keen to hear from survivors and get your input.

If you're a survivor of sexual violence or abuse and aged 16+ (whether you’ve experienced sexual violence recently or some time ago), and you'd like to help us shape our work and develop our strategy, you can fill in our survivor engagement survey. You don't have to have used our services or member centre services and we are really keen to hear from voices we often miss. For example, people of colour, disabled survivors and other marginalised groups. 

The survey has a range of open and ranked questions in order to review different models of engagement to find out what works best for survivors.

All answers will be anonymised. Those who answer the survey may be invited to a further follow up conversation, if this is something you'd like to take part in.

The survey closes on 10th October 2022.