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24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line awarded Helplines Partnership Accreditation

Rape Crisis England & Wales is delighted to announce that the 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line has been awarded the Helplines Standard by Helplines Partnership.

The Helplines Standard is the nationally recognised quality standard that defines and certifies best practice in helpline work. This significant achievement demonstrates our commitment to delivering an outstanding service to anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by any form of sexual violence and abuse – at any point in their life.

The accreditation award follows months of evidence gathering as well as a visit by Helplines Partnership to observe practice directly. It provides independent assurance and endorses the quality of the 24/7 Support Line.

The service is funded by UK Government and delivered by Rape Crisis England & Wales in partnership with three other organisations: RASASC – Rape Crisis South London, ARCH Teesside and Lincolnshire Rape Crisis. We would particularly like to thank the staff at those organisations for their tireless work both in delivering 24/7 telephone and webchat support for people affected by sexual violence, and in supporting this accreditation.

Siriol Davies, Head of Delivery at Rape Crisis England & Wales, commented:

“This is a fantastic achievement for the 24/7 Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Line, and is a testament to the dedicated team who work so hard to deliver an exceptional and specialist service to people who have been affected by sexual violence and abuse.”