Darlington & Co Durham Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre
Contact Details
Website: http://www.rsacc-thecentre.org.uk
Address: PO Box 106, Darlington, DL3 7YS
Services Available To:
Women, men and children.
Services Provided:
- Confidential and anonymous telephone helpline available - any survivor of any age who has been directly or indirectly affected by sexual violence, including those supporting survivors. The helpline is open Tuesdays (10am - 1pm and 6:30pm - 9:00pm) and Thursdays (10am - 1pm).
- Counselling available for any survivor aged 13+ with professionally qualified counsellors.
- ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Advisor) support for those aged 13+.
- Mindfulness Group: focusing on developing mindfulness skills. For women only.
- Face-to-face Peer Support Group for women only, facilitated by volunteers.
Areas covered:
Darlington and Durham